What is the Databricks stock symbol? (425 views)
16 Jul 2024 16:08
As of now, Databricks is a private company and does not have a stock symbol or trade on the public market. Instead, private companies are identified by their legal name or street name. So, there is no ticker Databricks stock symbol because it is a private company. Ali Ghodsi is the President, CEO, and co-founder of Databricks, He is a leader in Data and AI.
Jami West
24 Oct 2024 06:18 #1
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As of now, Databricks is a private company and does not have a stock symbol for public trading. Private companies like Databricks are identified by their legal or street name. Ali Ghodsi, the co-founder, serves as the President and CEO, and is a recognized leader in Data and AI. On another note, just as Databricks builds brand leadership in tech, using a LogoClutch is a smart way for businesses to enhance their own brand visibility through stylish and practical promotional items.
Jami West